Experiences Dallas’ Attorney for Car Accident

Dallas’ Attorney for Car Accident

According to a report of World Population review, Dallas has a huge population of 1,295,447 in 2024. Dallas is the capital city of Texas which is the ninth largest city in the United States. The roads of Dallas are always busy with vehicles. According to a report from Dallas District, there are about 4,333,449 registered vehicles. 

Statistically, there is at least one crash roughly every 15 minutes in the streets of Dallas which includes about 35,000 vehicle crashes in 2021. In 2023, there were 187 fatal crashes including 195 fatalities out of 34,734 total crashes. 1148 people suffered fatal injuries, 5669 people faced     non major injuries, and 8267 people sustained possible injuries in the year of 2023. Fatality crashes, serious injury crashes, minor injury crashes, possible injury crashes, and unknown severity crashes are common in Dallas with notable numbers in each year.

Car accidents can be subjected to personal injury claims, and damages. Whiplash, fractures, broken bones, head injury, back injury, cuts and bruises, internal injuries, and psychological injuries are significant in injury claims. Significantly, damages include both economic damages, such as hospital bills, and other costs, and non economic damages, such as physical pain and mental sufferings.  

As insurance companies are profit oriented, they want to pay as little as possible over the injury, and damage claims. They know better how to take advantage of the situations. An insurance company might sound authentic at first. However, victims should not forget that an insurance company works for their benefit. As a result, the victim might become frustrated over the passing of time relying on the tricky procedures of the insurance companies.

Car accident Attorney is the right person in that case who knows law better than anyone, can find the limitations of the law-system to give advantages to the victim, and can handle the unknown barriers of the insurance companies to establish the legal rights of the car accident victims maximizing the rightful compensation.  

Reasons Behind Car Accidents in Dallas

Car accidents can occur anytime in Dallas. However, from 4 pm to 8 pm, accidents have the highest possibility to happen due to the after effects of rush hours from institutions as well as workplaces. Below are some of the major causes behind car accidents in Dallas-

Driving Distractions: It is one of the main faculties behind car accidents throughout the U.S.A. Distractions can include texting, talking on the phone, eating, adjusting the radio,  interacting with passengers while driving, and many others. 

Overspeeding: Sometimes the drivers are not aware of the speed limits as they drive too fast unnecessarily. Speed is a prime factor deciding the outcome of the accident. Low speed accidents have less injury concerns. 

Drink and Drive/Drug and Drive: Though there are strict rules, and safety campaigns, people are less careful. Drinking and driving along with drugging can lead to dangerous accidents. On top of that, alcohol weakens judgment, coordination, and reaction time. 

Driving Recklessly: Aggressive driving, tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, and ignoring traffic signals and signs can easily lead to an accident by the unwanted collision of cars. 

Weather Conditions: Dallas has diversity in weather as the driver should be cautious about the season conditions. 

Road Conditions: Potholes, uneven road surfaces, inadequate signage, and poorly maintained roads contribute to accidents by causing drivers to lose control of their vehicles or fail to anticipate obstacles.

Driver Fatigue: Fatigue or drowsy driving is a significant factor in many accidents. Long commutes, irregular work hours, and lack of adequate rest can impair a driver’s ability to focus and react quickly.

Inexperienced Drivers: Sometimes, drivers may lack proper experience as accidents can occur. Young male drivers have the highest accident rates. 

Defects of Vehicles: Mechanical failures such as brake failure, tire blowouts, or steering malfunctions can lead to accidents. Improper maintenance or manufacturing defects may be responsible for such failures.

Tailgating: Following another vehicle too closely reduces reaction time and increases the likelihood of rear-end collisions, which are common in busy traffic areas.


Understanding the causes might help someone from accidents, and even from the severity of the outcome of the accidents. In June 2022, a futuristic concept for reducing the accidents was passed by the members of the Dallas City Council which is named as “Vision Zero Dallas”. Each Individual should be careful about the safety concerns while driving. 

Reasons Behind Car Accidents in Dallas

How to Get Compensation After an Accident? 

The compensation relies heavily on the sustained injuries, the structure of the insurance policy, and the details on the accident. If someone causes an accident, auto insurance will try to cover the other driver’s medical expenses, vehicle repairs, and financial protection. Auto Insurance may also cover the cost of replacing or repairing your vehicle in the event that it is stolen or destroyed. Here are some key activities that a victim must follow after a car accident for compensation:

  • Seeking medical attention without further delay
  • Gathering evidence to document the incident
  • Filing a police report 
  • Filing a crash report
  • Notifying insurance company
  • Consulting with an Attorney
  • Gathering evidence for damage 

Considering legal actions, and negotiating with insurance companies can be executed by a reputed as well as experienced Attorney. Furthermore, the process for seeking compensation after an accident can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case. Working with an experienced attorney can help ensure that your rights are protected, and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Attorney Ehsan- Your Legal Advisor for Car Accident

Dallas car accident Attorneys from Attorney Ehsan can have proper negotiations with the insurance companies in the settlement of the case. They can handle the court procedures resolving all the legal affairs on behalf of the victim. Why should you choose Attorney Ehsan-

Attorney Ehsan- Your Legal Advisor for Car Accident

  • 22 Years of experience in the field
  • Legal Expertise 
  • Contingency Fee

Attorney Ehsan can fight for your legal rights ensuring the maximum compensation that you deserve from the car accident in Dallas. They have a humanistic framework for accidental cases giving mental support to their clients till full recovery, and reduce stress to become the legal representation of the victim.